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According to this numbskull, it's actually code for "Heil Hitler." An elected official who is less of a numbskull would expect the dumb thing she said and move on. Because "honk honk" is the sound a truck's horn makes when you beep it.

Description: Car horn honking sound effect. That’s why prolonged honking beyond the prescribed limit, even though not liable under “The Road Transport Act, 2018”, can be made liable under “The Penal Code, 1860”. But in the case of prolonged honking above 70 decibels, it causes severe damage to our ears. Usual honking above 85 decibels is injurious to our hearing capacity.The traffic on the road was terrible, everyone was in raged and started to honk their horns which didn't do much to move the traffic. Both bunnies honk at the cat a lot! The cat just looks at them as if to say "you're kidding, right?"Get Unlimited Downloads of Royalty-Free Semi Truck Horn Sound Effect Sound Effects.

Royalty free use for all your creative projects! What are your bunnies saying when they honk? Nibbles seems to honk when she sees the treats coming out, or if she's upset with something.
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Free "Truck, semi, horn beep, honk" sound effects to download plus over 107,000 other free sounds at ZapSplat. Listen to Cartoon Bulb Horn Honk (Version 2) on TIDAL

This is a honk that doesn’t really sound all that much like a honk unless you listen closely. At the beginning, the honk will be slow, but as the goose becomes more agitated, the honk will become far louder. You can easily tell that they are making a threatening sound as it really does sound quite aggressive. This happens when the rings of cartilage in the trachea or “windpipe” cave in and make it difficult to breathe.